NHL07 Pour les vrais
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NHL07 Pour les vrais

Ligue de Hockey Simulé
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Le deal à ne pas rater :
PC Portable Gamer 16,1” HP Victus 16 – 16 Go /512 Go
749.99 € 999.99 €
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Messages : 5
Date d'inscription : 14/03/2008

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MessageSujet: pro team   pro team Icon_minitimeVen 14 Mar - 7:23

Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Steve Sullivan 80 69 78 32 3200000 4
Jean-Pierre Dumont 79 70 76 29 2000000 3
Alexander Radulov 75 67 74 20 984200 4
Jordin Tootoo 54 73 68 24 500000 3
Brandon Bochenski 68 59 68 25 950000 2
Jed Ortmeyer 56 72 68 28 750000 3
Shane Willis 63 69 66 30 600000 2
Jonas Andersson 31 36 49 26 525000 4
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Jason Arnott 76 76 78 32 4500000 6
David Legwand 74 72 76 26 1650000 3
Radek Bonk 73 73 72 31 2000000 2
Vernon Fiddler 63 71 69 27 450000 1
Scott Nichol 55 72 68 32 525000 2
Jerred Smithson 60 72 68 28 450000 2
Kim Staal 54 58 63 29 450000 2
Scott May 44 45 54 25 450000 2
Chris Durno 42 46 53 26 450000 2
John Vigilante 48 42 53 22 450000 2
They are looking for 4th line center
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Martin Erat 75 66 74 25 1600000 3
Martin Gélinas 68 71 72 37 1250000 2
Jan Hlavac 68 62 67 30 1140000 2
Alex Henry 36 71 63 27 450000 2
Matt Ellison 61 52 63 23 500000 2
Darcy Hordichuk 40 72 62 26 470000 2
Rich Peverly 57 49 59 24 450000 2
Robert Snowball 34 47 45 25 450000 3
They are looking for a 1st line left wing
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Marek Zidlicky 77 66 73 30 3200000 5
Greg de Vries 64 77 72 34 1500000 3
Dan Hamhuis 64 73 72 24 2000000 5
Ryan Suter 55 76 70 22 417200 2
Shea Weber 59 75 69 21 621000 3
Kevin Klein 58 62 65 22 621000 1
Greg Zanon 52 68 64 27 450000 2
Kirill Safronov 41 68 62 26 700000 4
Nolan Yonkman 32 68 59 26 450000 2
Richard Stehlik 56 59 58 23 450000 2
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Chris Mason 75 77 76 31 1250000 3
Pekka Rinne 69 72 71 24 450000 2
Dan Ellis 59 61 63 27 450000 2
Dov Grumet-Morris 44 45 52 25 450000 2
Frédéric Cloutier 41 39 49 26 450000 2
They are happy with their situation at this position
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